Home - VALIDATORS - LP-BREAKER - CONCENTRATE LP-BREAKER - BNB - ARBITRUM - HECO - POLYGON - GNOSIS - AVAX - FANTOM - HARMONY - FUSE - ThunderCore - OKEX - KUCOIN - CELO - IoTeX - Moonriver - Optimism - SmartBCH - Polis - Cronos - Velas - Aurora - Boba - Metis - Meter - Emerald - Moonbeam - Telos - DFK - Astar - Milkomeda - EVMOS - Hoo - Kava - Doge - Findora - CANTO - ETHW - Klaytn - Function X - Core - Arbitrum Nova - zkSync Era - zkEVM - Pulse - Tenet - Base - Mantle - Manta - Shimmer - Scroll - Linea - Mode - Fraxtal - Lisk - Sonic - Metal-L2 - Ink - Soneium - Swell - Unichain - Seigniorage

*** Discord *** [light mode]
***************************** POLYGON NETWORK ***************************************

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Welcome to the farm where you can farm TRZ tokens which you can use to claim ETH 
(claimable by swapping at least 1 TRZ token for 1 ETH) or BTC (claimable by 
swapping at least 10 TRZ tokens for 1 BTC). 

Completely fair launch. The developer has no pre-mined tokens, small liquidity is 
created and send to the dead address and none of the contracts have an owner  
(and thus are completely immutable). 

Disclaimer: ETH and BTC are claimable only when the treasury is filled and when you have enough tokens to claim. The treasury 
will be filled only with the deposit fees. Therefore, a larger TVL means a larger

  * No website
  * Telegram
  * Buy TRZ
  * Add Liquidity

  * Token: 0x13436a3c5c2574C8145222260B0ed4C2Da31f760
  * Pre-mined 1 token => Added liquidity, Burned and Burned
  * No developer tokens
  * No transfer tax
  * No transfer limit
  * Owned by MasterChef
  * No changes allowed
  * Burned when claiming rewards from treasury
  * Slow minting. Only ~4 tokens per day are minted

  * Treasury: 0xEd8223dd1148C9fD3867d968696706cfa9376643
  * No owner
  * No changes allowed
  * Claim 1 ETH for 1 TRZ token
  * Claim 1 BTC for 10 TRZ tokens
  * Masterchef: 0x8Ac02E8E228e91404F91c4951BE7864653d503Ac
  * Farming Starts on Block:  17000000 — https://polygonscan.com/block/countdown/17000000
  * Farming Ends on Block:    30000000 — https://polygonscan.com/block/countdown/30000000
  * 1/10th of rewards minted to developer
  * No owner
  * No changes allowed

  * 0% On LP Farm
  * 1% on Native Pool
  * 3% On Non-Native Pools
  * Partially used to fill the treasury
